We are always interested in capable assemblers who understand their craft and bring necessary talents!
We can offer the following variants:
– Permanent employment
– Freelancer on invoice basis
In permanent employment, the monthly salary is honored according to existing qualifications. Prerequisite is the possession of a valid driver’s license from 3.5 t upwards open.
We require the native language DEUTSCH and another language e.g. English or Russian. For interested applicants in permanent employment, the place of arrival should be the district of Teltow-Fläming or south/southeast Berlin. If suitable, a company vehicle will be provided, which can also be used to travel from the workplace to the place of residence.
Independent THINKING and an efficient, customer-friendly way of working are expected.
In principle, driving is done in a 2-man team.
– valid trade certificate
– valid proof of professional liability and health insurance.
Freelancers should have no problem traveling on nationwide & international installation assignments. This includes a valid passport and a certificate of good conduct without serious entries.
Prerequisite for a successful cooperation is a high degree of personal responsibility, organizational skills and common sense, then nothing stands in the way of a collaboration. You should also know what you can do well and what is not your specialty.
The credo: One screws – one holds the ladder – the other looks that no one comes DOES NOT WORK IN OUR ASSEMBLY-COMPANY, and leads in case of complaint of the customer to the immediate termination of the work contract.
Service telephone
* 30 sec. free of charge, afterwards 0,42 Cent per min.
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